Areas of Expertise: Roles of animals in society Languages: English Associated Organization: University of Colorado Boulder Read Leslie’s bio here....
Archive for: Companion Animals

Joyce Tischler, JD
Areas of Expertise: animal law, legal rights for animals, CAFOs- concentrated animal feeding operations, aka factory “farms,” elephants; ag-gag laws;...

Marc Bekoff, PhD
Areas of Expertise: animal behavior, ethology, cognitive ethology, animal minds, behavioral ecology, conservation, compassionate conservation Languages: English Associated Organization: University...

Con Slobodchikoff, PhD
Areas of Expertise: animal language, animal behavior, animal sentience, animal cognition, prairie dogs, ecology, evolution, conservation Languages: English Associated Organization:...

Christina Risley-Curtiss, MSSW, PhD
Areas of Expertise: animal abuse, the correlation between animal abuse,child abuse and domestic violence, interventions with children who animals, animal-assisted...

Debra Merskin, PhD
Dr. Merskin is a teacher and scholar who is committed to removing the veil from representations of any and all...