Monitor and reward ecologically responsible and animal-friendly media. Utilize media watchdog groups to stay informed of issues. Write to media...
Projects archive
Appropriate Terminology
Also see Selecting Appropriate Terminology in the Journalism section for tips on respectful language.
Sustainable Programming
Encourage programming that invites viewers to envision a future world governed by ecological principles and sustainable practices. Creative storytelling and...
Human Characters Behaviors and Values
Consider the behavior and values of human characters portrayed on screen to determine what messages they convey about the human...
Wildlife Portrayals
Be selective in portrayals of wildlife (free-roaming animals) so as not to over-represent predatory-prey conflicts for dramatic purposes. Over reliance...
No Harm
Take care not to harm animals or damage ecosystems while filming or making programs.
Biodiversity Loss
Call attention to biodiversity loss and the need to protect endangered species and their habitats, while being cautious about frequently...
Charismatic Megafauna
Recognize that programming featuring nonhuman animals (including wildlife documentaries) currently tends to over-represent charismatic megafauna, i.e. mammals and birds who...
While anthropomorphism of animals (especially in children’s programming) can be useful in bringing audiences closer to other animals and recognizes...